Friday, March 24, 2006

Another Oprah Dream...

She lived up the street from me. She invited me to one of her shows. Madonna was there and Oprah had all of these stylist people there telling Madonna how the last time she bleached her hair she stripped it really bad. I wanted to ask Oprah to get me Madonna's autograph just for the heck of it, but I decided that I shouldn't because I'd look like one of those people who are totally enamored by Hollywood, which I'm not. In fact, I find the Hollywood glitz and glamour to be quite obnoxious. Just one more reason why I don't understand why I keep having dreams about Oprah.

The Madonna thing I understand. When Fred and I were discussing my odd dreams, he mentioned Madonna. Thanks, Fred. Fred's theory is that my not being able to get laid because of Bear being so far away is somehow forcing these little boxes inside my head to open up. We'll run with that one for now because NO ONE ELSE has given me any insight.

So I ask, what good are you people if you won't help a woman in need???!!!


The Bizza said...

Look lady...

I don't mean to come off as cold and uncaring, but I have my own Oprah problems to deal with!

Seriously, i hear that eating too-close to bedtime contributes to odd dreams. mebbie you should try warm milk?

Krystal said...

Eeeeewwww! Warm milk! I'm a Bailey's in hot cocoa type of gal. :P

The Bizza said...

Mmmmm... I like your idea better.

Krystal said...

Yes, it is quite yummy!