Friday, January 06, 2006

Hey,'s cold!!! The 60's are cold for S. Florida.

So I go into my daughter's room and decide that she has too many things. We filled six laundry baskets piled high with stuff and took it into the other room. She tells me she has too much and starts putting things into the donation pile.

That was just way too easy. But I'll take it.

Was going to clean the carpets in the kids' bedrooms BUT the carpet cleaner made this funny sound and then smoke started to pour out. Not good.

I was working on one of those "Things About Me" pages that you see all over, but Bear was afraid that I'd end up being stalked. He thought things like, "I've never kissed a woman...but I've thought about it," and "Evidently, forsaking all others includes women," might attract strange men who would want to find me.


Hey! The Diva has a super cool t-shirt with some of her artwork on it. Super groovy. Buy one for the woman in your life.


I'm going to go take a salt tablet, drink some water, do some packing, do some cleaning, finish the laundry, etc. Translation=smoke some dope, do a few shots, lay around on the couch all day and watch soaps while my children run amuck through the house. Just kidding, I always lock my children in their rooms when I tie one on. I NEVER let them run amuck in the house. It leaves a mess.


eyes_only4him said...

letting them run amuck is no good, your right..I have a cage in the basment that I have poked nice air holes in for them..see I am a good mom;)

Krystal said...

I like the cage in the basement idea. The new house actually HAS a basement...