Friday, December 15, 2006

At the risk of smashing to bits every ounce of coolness my reputation may have, I must admit that I am a Barry Manillow and Gloria Gaynor fan. I've been singing two of their songs throughout the day. First comes "I Will Survive" and then "Copa Cabana". In both of these songs the women's lives take a serious nosedive. Gloria goes on with passion about how she's going to survive it all. Lola, well, Lola winds up dressing in her old showgirl dress from twenty years previous and looses her mind.

Right now I can relate to both of those women.

Big shout out to Tuna's ex-teacher. Many thanks for targeting my baby and making his life so miserable that I had to withdraw him. Tossing him homework in the trash and giving him zero's for it instead? Two thumbs ups! Great teaching strategy!

And telling the class that my son fakes all of his medical issues on the day that he's having an MRI looking for a possible brain tumor to explain his seizure (you say he's not having). TERRIFIC example for the other children! I thank you for that one, too.

I really like the super sarcastic remarks you wrote on his homework packet (that you told the guidance counselor he didn't turn in). My autistic child was thrilled to have worked so hard to complete all seven sheets only to have to write, "Did you read the question?" and "Not a good answer!". Fred and I figured out how he came to those conclussions in a matter of seconds, and they both made perfect sense to us. But he's just a gay farmer and I'm an idiot stay at home mother. I'm sure we know shit.

But that doesn't hold a candle to you're berating him in front of the other children when he didn't understand things. That's EXACTLY what we should be teaching children. When a person with a disability can't perform at the same level of everyone else...berate them in front of their peers. It's fun!

What I'm most impressed with though, is that asside from being such an amazing school teacher, evidently you also hold a medical degree. I'm truly honored to be in the presence of a woman who can teach so magnificently, and THEN without ever seeing a report, can declare that my sons does NOT have OCD, impulse control, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome or seizures, amoung other things. You can cut through all the bullshit and KNOW that he's faking it all.

How cool it must be to be you.

You are my idol.

I want to be like you.

Have a merry Christmas, and thanks for helping my son so tremendously. I will cherish you in my heart forever, as will my son as the rest of our family.

Peace out.


April said...

Wow, sometimes there isn't anything to even be said. I do hope, though, that the school district through some miracle takes another look at this teacer.

Twisted Lady said...


Hope I never have the pleasure of a bitch like that teaching MY kids.

Barney said...

I would love for a teacher like that to teach my child.
Where do I locate her?
Oh.. wait..there is one in every school district, in every state.

Are teachers even screened anymore?

sounds like your son however, has a mother who C A R E S!!! and loves him and did what was best.

Now go put sugar in that bitches gas tank!!!

Ozfemme said...

I'm with Barney - your boy is lucky to have a great mother who I wish all the best in undoing the damage done by a careless, ignorant, unprofessional idiot such as she seems. Here's hoping she is soon in receipt of the karmic bitch slap she so richly deserves.

The Bizza said...

Uhm... how about singing "Eye of the Tiger" or "Gonna Fly Now", in tribute to Rocky's geriatric return? I'd certainly be singing those songs as I jogged to the school to kick that bitch's teeth down her fucking throat.

On secon thought... your songs are better. Your child needs a rational mother who is not in jail.

But come on... you know you want to... "gonna fly nowwwwwwww.... gonna fly nowwwww.... gonna flyyyyyy..... flyyyyy... flyyyy... fly..... flyyyyy..."

Krystal said...

Well, my son is very happy knowing that he will not have to return to that teacher. He is, however, sad that he will miss his friends.

The teacher wouldn't let him get their phone numbers on the last day of school.

What a a bad way.

That's okay though, he has a brother who said he'll get them on the playground. Good boy!