Sunday, February 12, 2006

New Foamy the Squirrel cartoon.

Bears tooth begins to flare back up after having it filled at dentist a few days earlier:

Bear: My tooth is killing me!

Goddess: Let me feel it. *Goddess 'feels' the outside of Bear's mouth.* There is a crack in the filling and a bubble or hole of somekind underneath.

Bear goes to dentist next day...

Dentist: What's wrong?

Bear: My tooth is killing me. My wife says that there is a crack in the filling and a hole underneath it.

Dentist: If your wife a dentist?

Bear: No, if she were a dentist I'd have had her fill it.

Dentist: How does she know what's wrong with your tooth?

Bear: She just does.

Dentist: ***Hesitates*** Okay.

**X-Rays are taken. There is a crack in the new filling and there is a hole underneath. He needs a root canal.**

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