Sunday, February 19, 2006

If you even THINK about telling me how insensitive or wrong I am regarding the following post, go fuck yourself. This is MY blog and I reserve the right from time to time to rant about LUNACY that just pisses me off. If anyone reading this truly thinks that the following makes sense and is okay, you're an idiot. You are a true idiot. You're right up there with people who think that rape isn't a sexual crime and that child molesters need our understanding because "they're sick."

If you don't want to read the articles, the pictures I've posted tell the story.

Muslims Assault U.S. Embassy in Indonesia

Alrighty then, the DANISH published caricatures of Muhammad, then some EUROPEAN papers republished them, so the proper response would be, of COURSE, to attack the U.S. embassy because we all know that the U.S. was really behind the cartoons being published in these OTHER countries. Here is a picture of the angry mob:

I love this picture claiming that Muslims spread peace:

REALLY?!?! Then explain these:
Muslim Protestors Attack Danish Consulate, Catholic Church in Beirut

Here's a picture:

Outrage Spreads, Escalates Over Muhammad Cartoons

According to this picture, Jesus is ashamed of the printing of the cartoons. I guess Muhammad is thrilled with the Muslims' violence though.

Or these:

You people disgust me. I will never forget OR EVER FORGIVE your lack of public outrage, which indicates a silent support. Evidently you think it's perfectly alright for YOU all to express yourselves by using suicide bombers to kill Christians and Jews, strapping bombs onto to your own damn children, (great parenting, by the way, I'm impressed, it explains why you're opposed to abortion, you need the children so you can use them as human bombs...fuckers), and flying airplanes into buildings murdering THOUSANDS of innocent people, but printing a caricature of Muhammad is wrong and requires world wide massive response. Wait, let me correct that, a world wide VIOLENT response.

You'll say it's WRONG what the extremist did, but you damn well aren't out there protesting the murder of thousands and thousands of innocent people. I can find hundreds of pictures of you all protesting a cartoon, but not ONE protesting the murders routinely taught and carried out in the name of Muhammad. Where is the outrage for the acts of murderous violence that YOUR PEOPLE have committed? Don't give some bullshit that you have condemned it. When you people want to protest, you pour out into the streets by the thousands! Not ONCE have you done this to tell YOUR OUR PEOPLE to stop.

You protest a cartoon.

Congratulations, you IDIOTS! You just proved that this caricature is right on the money! On behalf of the families of the INNOCENT victims you all don't give a rat's ass about..FUCK YOU ALL!

You may purchase a t-shirt at Metrospy.

I will now return to the mindless, light hearted, sexually oriented material that is the norm for my blog.

1 comment:

eyes_only4him said...

you know what...i like this side of you;)
