Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm going to have a political moment.

Anyone who thinks that Israel should just accepted having Hezbollah cross the border, kidnap Israeli citizens and shell Israel (July 12, 2006) and NOT retaliate is a dumb-ass. Not to be redundant, with the term dumb-ass, but you are a world class DUMB-ASS. Or as my daughter would say, you're a dumb-o. Or in Sonia's words, you're an Ass Clown.

I am truly truly sorry for the loss of innocent life in Lebanon, but THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT is to blame. They willingly CHOSE Hezbollah over helping to retrieve INNOCENT people. They willingly CHOSE Hezbollah's shelling and attacking of Israel. Israel has no choice. They have to take out Hezbollah where they are. Unfortunately, they are hiding behind civilians...because terrorists are cowards! Either Israel goes after where missiles are being fired from, or they sit back and watched their own INNOCENT civilians die. Why isn't the world crying over the Israeli women and children that have been killed as a result of Hezbollah's numerous attack on them FROM LEBANON?

Wait, I know, because the killing of Jews in this world is perfectly acceptable. That's right. You see, Hitler should have exterminated them a long time ago, now we're just suppose to sit back and not only let it happen, but feel sorry for those who are killed when the Jews try to defend themselves.

Forgive me for being so obviously obtuse.

War sucks, I know this. Innocent people die, I know this too. Just don't forget who started this conflict though...and it WAS. NOT. Israel.

Let's see...

At 9:05 AM local time (04:05 UTC), on 12 July 2006, Hezbollah initiated a rocket and mortar attack on Israeli military positions and on the towns of Even Menahem and Mattat, injuring 11 soldiers and civilians. Afterwards, a ground contingent of Hezbollah militants attacked two Israeli armored Humvees on a routine patrol along the Israel-Lebanon border near the Israeli village of ZarÂ’it with anti-tank rockets, capturing two Israeli soldiers, and killing three, with a further five killed when a Tank hit a mine 6 km inside Lebanese territory.[1]

And why did this happen? Because Hezbollah wants the release of some Arab prisoners being held in Israel, specifically, the "Lebanese militant Samir Kuntar, jailed in Israel since a 1979 attack in the northern town of Nahariyah, in which he entered an apartment and murdered three family members and an Israeli police officer."


And those are the people you support when you say that Israel should back off.


eyes_only4him said...

amen sista:)

BostonPobble said...

I openly admit I do not know the politics of the area well enough to form and hold an intelligent, educated opinion on the matter. Therefore, I try not to listen and keep my mouth shut, learning as much as possible without proving myself a fool. That being said, this post makes perfect sense to me! But then, you wrote it so I am not surprised.

Krystal said...

I'll take that as a compliment. :)

Anonymous said...

You are one of the reasons why the blogging community is so great. You have the ability to cut right through the bullshit that the American media spews out daily. Their total disregard for reporting the truth serves to heighten the need we have for bloggers such as yourself. I truly enjoy your very insightful posts. Thanks

BostonPobble said...

Krystal ~ It was meant as one so I'm glad you took it as such. :) Also, a quick edit: "I try TO listen and keep my mouth shut..." There. Much better!

sonia said...

Perfect post, Krystal. And a right attitude.

The only (minor) point where I disagree:

Israel has no choice. They have to take out Hezbollah where they are.

True, but Israel is doing a bad job of it now. They are bombing Beirut, killing Hezbollah's enemies and rivals, instead of concentrating on where Hezbollah actually is - the Southern Lebanon. Israel has made a horrible mistake of withdrawing from there a couple of years ago without signing any peace treaty - Hezbollah has rightly claimed it as a great victory and proof that Israel can be defeated. Now this mistake comes back to haunt Israel.

Anonymous said...

for the love of God
you hit it girl, I mean you fucking hit it right on the head!
I can't fathom how anyone could possibly see it any other way. Damn. go girl
just go
go get em,
I gotcher back
ole amen jsull