Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My dryer blew up.

You see, first the belt broke. When I called about the belt I also informed them that my clothes were taking two hours to dry. Then the dumb ass repairman shows up with the wrong belt (he didn't think about checking the model number to see which one it needed, just hoped it would be a standard size...duh...). He tells me he'll order a belt to the house. It would arrive in 3-7 days. Then I could call him to come out and put it on. Seeing how I've repaired a washer motor before I asked him if I could just put the belt on myself. You see, five children no dryer is a pain. I'd already waited ten days for him to show up. Now I had another 3-7 for the belt to show, then another week for him to get out to put it on? Uh...no. Twenty dollars at the laundry mat each week wasn't sounding too good either. He quickly agrees saying that it would "save" him from having to come out here again. I put the belt on just like he said. It's not rocket science.

I press start.

Spin, spin, BOOM! POP! sparks, smoke out the back of the machine.

I quickly unplugged it from the wall. Then I called the warranty company back to call the people at Sears "incompetent dickheads."

So how was y'all's day?


Heather B said...

My day has been ok, actually my whole week has been relaxing at home.

That sucks about the dryer ... sounds costly!

Ozfemme said...

i really feel for you...it's bizarre how something as innocuous as a broken dryer can really mess with life. I really hope a good thing happens for you today!

Twisted Lady said...

Gah! I hate stuff like that. We have a drippy faucet, but I am terrified to call a plumber...who knows what kind of mess it'll be!