Monday, April 10, 2006

Tator Day weekend was the first weekend of April. Here are some highlights. I have over 100 pictures.

See, it's a big holiday around here.
Yes, that's my six-year-old shooting a gun. If he practices enough, maybe he'll be able to start shootin' possums an' rabbits an' deer for dinner. Yeeeeeee-Haw!

Lookie! It's our town's new fire truck!
Ooooooo! Aaaaaah! Ain't it purty an' shiny?
Here comes the high school marching band. Don't laugh, folks, they're one of the best in the country and have performed for the President of the United States and have performed in college bowl games across the country.
Here's the end of the parade. At least 300 people on horseback. Next year I'll be in there with 'em.
Hey, did I mention the hand dipped corn dogs and the carnival? Fun was had by all. We can't wait for next year!


Jeffrey L Watts said...

Glad you had fun - but I don't know if Tater Day can top the West Tennessee Strawberry Festival. :)

The Bizza said...


Glad you had fun, though.

Krystal said...

Just when is the West Tennesse Strawberry festival? I may be interested. I make both strawberry and strawberry-pineapple jam.

eyes_only4him said...

yeee haw is do live in hickville doncha?

tator day..what the fuck?

Jeffrey L Watts said...

West Tennessee Strawberry Festival
is May 7 -May 13 in Humboldt, TN.