Sunday, April 02, 2006

Aren't they adorable???!!!
These are baby Barred Rocks. They're good winter layers. This means that we won't need to set up artificial light during the short days of winter to make them lay eggs (sunlight is needed to stimulte a hormone in the hens' ovaries to make them lay). Later this week we might be heading out to Murray for a couple Aracona's as well. They lay colored eggs. Their nickname is the Easter Egg Chicken.

Bear said that he will clear the land for the chicken coop while he's here. Hopefully we'll get the concrete foundation poured as well.

Right now they're in a brooder, which is simply a cardboard box with a heat lamp over head. In about four months they'll start laying eggs, about three each a week.
You know I live in rural country America because after purchasing these two babies I had to run a few errands. The chicks went with me. We were in two grocery stores, a dollar, and a hardware store. No one could care less. In fact, everyone wanted to see them. See, people around here know that it's chick time. Most people around here have farm animals. It's a way of life. And it's the life we want.

On a different note...

I try to keep my blog non-political, but I'm pissed. I'm pissed because it is behavior like this that creates disharmony in our country. It also creates resentment and hostility between the races. Here are the undisputed facts:

* A member of Congress entered a building guarded by the Capital Police.
* Said person is NOT WEARING their required Congress member ID.
* Said person had just changed their looks.
* An officer asks said person THREE TIMES to stop.
* They ignore the officer's request.
* The officer touches this person to get them to stop.
* Congress member then hits the officer.

If this were say Mitch McConnell, Bill Nelson, or Mark Pryor, white males, there is no doubt they would be named as the cause of the problem (like when that white Congress member was stopped by airport security). There would be an apology made. If it were Shelley Berkley, JoAnn Davis, or Jean Schmidt, white females, more than likely, same thing.

But is wasn't any of the afore mentioned, it was Cynthia McKinney, a black female out of Georgia.

And she is playing the race card. Her official statement:

"Let me be clear. This whole incident was instigated by the inappropriate touching and stopping of me, a female black congresswoman," McKinney said. "I deeply regret that this incident occurred."

***I must note that her use of FEMALE congressWOMAN made me laugh. I thought the two were synonymous. Could there be a MALE congressWOMAN?***

Back on subject, I'm sure that this incident had nothing to do with:

Members of Congress wear identifying lapel pins and routinely are waved into buildings without undergoing security checks. McKinney was not wearing her pin at the time, and the officer apparently did not recognize her, she has said.

You did see that SHE ADMITTED not wearing her proper ID.

There are witnesses:

Several Capitol Police officials have said the officer involved asked McKinney three times to stop. When she did not, he placed a hand on her and she hit him, they said.

Well, I have an official statement of my own, "Let *ME* be clear. This whole incident was instigated by YOUR error and YOUR inappropriate lack of respect for the authority of the officer, a person who is there to protect you. I deeply regret that your head is up your ass."


eyes_only4him said...

so now you have mopved to the country your getting your farm all that is pricelss;)

what the hell kinda chicks are those anyway?

Krystal said...

Barred Rocks.

Twisted Lady said...

Baby Chicks? Adorable!

Now I want some.

Krystal said...

One of them likes to sit on my shoulder. I have to have one of the kids take a picture.

Ozfemme said...

and can you blame him for thinking she might have been Beaker? (from The Muppets)...I'm just saying....