Saturday, February 17, 2007

Brittney Spears shaved her head. She sat in her car crying. Then she went into a beauty shop and shaved her head.

And then she got a tatoo.

The girl needs help. The girl needs serious help. Personally, I think that she had to shave her head because of the drugs she's been doing. I bet a dollar to a dime that her drug use has been brought up in the custody battle for her boys and that she shaved her head so they couldn't get a hair sample from her to test for recent drug use over the last several months.

Or she's on crack.

Nicole Ritchie may be going to jail for 3-12 months. I don't know why, I didn't read the article. But I do know that it isn't for stealing a Big Mac, large fries and a coke.

1 comment:

Jeffrey L Watts said...

Interesting theory on Spears. I personally think it's for publicity.